Team Whim

On a Whim—The Story Behind the Story

pattyv2-sm   Whim is always here whenever we pay attention.

With three little girls all under the age of three, my experience of the early 1980’s was a blur, living in a perpetual state of exhaustion.  One day, while taking a rare, quiet shower, these words came to me, “Oh silly little girl,” he said, “I’m here to see you through.  And when you’re grown and on your own, you still might need me too.”

Having no idea what it meant, or who “he” was, still wrapped in a towel and dripping wet, I wrote down the words.  This became a frequent scenario; inspiration, it seems, does not concern itself with timing.  Slowly and surely, the story began to unfold and I became acquainted with Whim. I wrote his story and then tucked Whim away, thinking that the story would be something I could give to my daughters someday.  Still, I also hoped to find an illustrator who could bring my friend to life.  For nearly thirty years, whenever I was in a bookstore, I looked through children’s books, searching for an illustrator who could capture Whim.  Nothing.

Fast forward to 2013.  I received a magazine I had never received before (or since).  Usually such mail never enters my house, but on a whim, just before pitching it into the recycling bin, I opened it to a page that stopped me in my tracks: a gorgeous painting that was exactly what I had been searching for lo, these many years.  The artist’s name—Sue Cornelison. Her work—described as “Whimsical”!   And she lived only 40 minutes away!

I began what could probably be considered stalking her until we finally met. Sue and I worked off and on and in and around our lives for about three years until Whim was born.

With Sue and I nearing the final stages of the book, on a whim, I mentioned our idea to a friend who said, “You should talk to Mary Nilsen of Zion Publishing.”

I believe that Whim gathered us together, and when the three of us met, Team Whim was complete. We are happy to introduce you to him and hope that you will introduce Whim to your children and grandchildren.

Patty Ryan Rooney

Introducing Team Whim

Illustrator Susan Cornelison: An extraordinary and intuitive artist, Susan grasped the spiritual nature of this book and began producing illustrations, one asue-webfter another, page after page, that left me breathless. You can find her work at



Editor and Publisher Mary Y.Nilsen:  And Mary made three.  She completed the trio that is Team Whim.  Her wisdom and expertise made it  possible to bring Whim into the world.

mary-webSue and I are very grateful to know her as a friend and  mentor.  You can find out more about this truly remarkable woman by visiting her website: